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Potluck by Grade 6 children

Grade 6 children recently had their geography block in which they explored and understood the geography of Asia and its different zones. To conclude the block, the children were divided into different groups for different zones of Asia and were asked to explore cuisines of that region.

What better way to understand a place, the culture, and practices of a place than through understanding their cuisines? They were given access to cookbooks with recipes from different parts of Asia. They took their time to select the recipes from their zones and try them out. All this preparation culminated into a grand potluck of dishes from various Asian cuisines.

The rules of the event were simple:

  • Children to research and decide on the country and dish they want to do (Vegetarian cuisine only)

  • They had to find the recipe on their own

  • Ask for the ingredients needed to serve 30 (25 children + 5 adults)

  • They had to cook it completely themselves (parents were told to only keep an eye for safety in the kitchen but not do anything themselves)

The children were very excited, looking forward to preparing their dishes and the potluck overall.

It is a great way to make them understand places through the difference in tastes in dishes. The preparation teaches them organization and applying simple mathematics (arithmetic) practically, doing work in the kitchen themselves and feeling responsible for their part. The experience of being the humble hosts and to serve their dishes to teachers and their friends with excitement and love is going to be with them for long. Their satisfied smiles on seeing the people enjoy their food was a sight to watch!

All in all, it was a wonderful experience to cherish for the children as well the teachers.

Few glimpses below from their potluck fun & learning day...

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