Bangalore Steiner school children learn about Greek history and the Olympics as part of their Grade 5 curriculum. The Olympics also brings to them a sense of participating in a team and as individuals for the first time.
Every year, many Steiner schools come together and conduct an Olympics event in their school - so that the children don't just learn about it in the classroom but also are able to experience the event and participate in it. It is conducted at different schools/ locations each time - Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Bangalore, etc.
As part of preparing/ readying for the Event, Grade 6 (who participated previous year), hand over the Olympic flame to the current Grade 5 children to uphold the spirit of the games.
This "Handing over of the Torch/ Flame" ceremony was conducted few days back. As we write this, the current Grade 5 children have gone to Coimbatore for the event at Yellow Train school.
Immortal flames of truth and hope shone through the morning of the 28th of January, 2025, as the flame of the Olympic torch was passed on to Grade 5 students who were geared up for their Olympics this year. A hymn for Zeus was narrated, and everyone could sense the will of children in Grade 5 was invoked to take a stride towards building strength, grace, and skill for the pentathlon that they were to participate in. As the torch passed from hand to hand, a wish and hope were passed on from all the previous generation of athletes to spark a new flame in the hearts of new ones. It was a wish that they not compete but participate and enjoy the spirit of the games. Everyone present wished the new band of athletes to gear up as champions, especially Grade 6, whose memory about their Olympics was still fresh. With the passing of the torch from one grade to the other, we could clearly see the golden light of angels sparkle with a new zest and keen for new champions to emerge!
Some images to represent the ceremony...